
Latest publications:

Tau seeds catalyze fibril-type structures from GFP tau biosensor cells

Improving the solubility of pseudo-hydrophobic chemicals through co-crystal formulation

Improving the solubility of pseudo-hydrophobic chemicals through co-crystal formulation | PNAS Nexus | Oxford Academic 

Tau seeds catalyze fibril-type structures from GFP tau biosensor cells

The Confluence Analysis Program: A User-Friendly Tool for Automated Cell Confluence Measurement and Visualization

Top 25 Life and Biological Sciences Articles of 2022:

Structure-based discovery of small molecules that disaggregate Alzheimer’s disease tissue derived tau fibrils in vitro

In the news:

Interview with Dr. Nathaniel Chin of the Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center for the Dementia Matters Podcast

Could Green Tea Hold the Key to New Alzheimer’s Treatments? | Alzheimer's Disease Research Center ( 

The Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis, A Public Window into the Scientific Method